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L.A. Vatocosmico c/s

Visual Artist - San Antonio

Welcome Burros and Burras

Cosmic Arte for the Soul

L.A. Vatocosmico c/s is the cosmic persona of San Antonio based artist formerly known as L.A. David.

“My paintings are nuances of color and shape, they express cosmic irony or the feeling that even if we try to believe otherwise, we have no control over fate. They are dream forms, they are the theatrical view of the absurd, and they are a comic revelation of life in general. My paintings are a mixture of dazzling florescent and acrylic pigments which is meant to enhance and illuminate the black-lite aspect."

-- L.A. Vatocosmico c/s

L.A.’s art is a conversion of paradoxical scenes that are far from the norm. His fluorescent artwork is often humorous and features celestial beings among San Antonio regional sites and traditional symbols of Meso Mexica culture.


The artist’s signature burros (donkeys) are figures who are in touch with their indigenous and cosmic roots, communicating with ancestors and aliens alike.

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